Since we launched our bursary scheme, we’ve helped more than 140 people taking qualifications to lead to a career in eye health.
The amount of the bursary depends on what each applicant tells us they really need. The maximum bursary value is £1,000.
You are eligible to apply if you are in any year of diploma or undergraduate study in the UK, on a recognised course at Level 4 or above which is designed to lead directly to a career in eye health. This includes part time, day release and block release students and people registered on government-approved apprenticeships at Level 4 and above directly related to eye health. That includes students studying ophthalmic clinical support and ophthalmic imaging; degrees in optometry; degrees in ophthalmic nursing; and diplomas involving block release or blended learning alongside paid work.
Students on access, foundation or 1-year introductory courses are not eligible for this scheme. We also do not award bursaries for post-graduate research Master’s or PhD level studies.
It is important to note that the scheme is competitive. Not everyone who applies will receive a bursary. The scheme operates to a fixed timetable. APPLICATIONS FOR 2024-2025 HAVE NOW CLOSED.

" I am the first to attend university in my entire family on both sides and I always dreamed of making a difference to society – even if that is making someone smile! My first degree was in ophthalmic dispensing and I realised I loved this work. In 2021, I enrolled on the optometry course at Anglia Ruskin University knowing I would need to use all my savings and work both weekend days to fund my course.The bursary I received greatly helped towards purchasing my Optometry kit (ophthalmoscope and retinoscope) from Keeler. I practised on different members of my class, actively asked for hard patients and attended lab sessions to develop my competence. I graduated this summer and am now on my Scheme for Registration year. (Jemini, bursary award winner 2023-24)
Professional Development Awards
The Spectacle Makers’ Charity also has a Professional Development Award Scheme for ophthalmologists in training and ophthalmic nurses, to help with the costs of presenting work and taking up short term fellowships outside the UK.
We will consider making awards of up to £1,000 to cover the costs of international fellowships or presenting research findings via posters or presentations at national and international conferences such as ARVO, ESCRS etc. which would involve significant personal expense.
Award winners in this programme must provide written reports on their progress and must acknowledge the Charity’s help in social media posts and on the face of papers/presentations. The Charity Trustees will take a continuing interest in their future careers and award winners are warmly invited to join the Spectacle Makers’ Company, the oldest optical organisation in the world.
To apply for a professional development award, please fill in the online application form by clicking on the link HERE