Fellowship & Friendship
Social occasions within the Livery
Like other Livery Companies, we have an annual programme of social occasions. We hold quarterly Court Luncheons in Apothecaries’ Hall and an annual Livery Dinner in a larger Livery Hall within the City.
At these events, we offer hospitality to members of other liveries and to prominent figures in the City and the optical world. Our formal events are something special. Members have the chance to entertain guests in unique surroundings, to step outside business pressures and to talk about matters of professional interest in an open but private environment. These are splendid occasions but not something we do every day!
Freemen receive their own special invitations. An evening Presentation Ceremony is held every September, when new Freemen meet the Master and other members and we present awards to military and bursary winners. Family and guests are made very welcome.
All members of the Company are invited to discussions on Zoom and at conferences, trade events and venues around the country.
Much of the social life of the Company is conducted in less formal surroundings. All Freemen and Liverymen automatically become members of the Spectacle Makers’ Society, which organises an annual programme of day and weekend visits and “pop up “ events, intended to appeal to members of different ages, backgrounds and interests.

Liverymen and Freemen who express an interest in music, art or sport including bridge, golf, go-karting, sailing, skiing, tennis and even pancake races, will receive email notifications of any inter-Livery competitions in which they might like to take part. Each member pays their own way in inter-livery sporting events but is accorded full honour for their achievements.

Spectacle Maker Freemen and Liverymen make friends easily – and keep them. You might find a group of Spectacle Makers arranging to meet up at a trade fair or international conference, booking the same hotel for a weekend away, enjoying a “historic hostelry tour” around the City, having lunch at the monthly Butchers’ Hall Carvery, enjoying a drink in The Black Friar or just meeting for a quick coffee.
We’re proud to be open and welcoming to all. Why not give it a try and join in?