The Spectacle Makers’ 100 Club

To join the club, or if you have any questions, please contact
The 100 Club was launched in January 2021. Members of the Club contribute £100 each year for one “share” in the Club. Membership is limited to Freemen, Liverymen and family members over the age of 16. All those holding a share make a commitment to pay by standing order and are entered into a draw twice a year. The “100 Club” means that only 100 shares can be issued, so there are very good odds.
The net proceeds of the 100 Club go directly to supporting the work of our Charity so joining the 100 Club is a great way to help – and have the chance to win a prize yourself, but you have to be in it to win it! Only those who have paid their subscriptions for the year can be entered for the draws.
The 100 Club is registered as a Lottery with the City of London Corporation.
The promoter is a Trustee of The Spectacle Makers’ Charity.
Payments to the 100 Club are not eligible for Gift Aid.